Monday, July 25, 2005

Pre Dawn Anzac Service - Borneo Indonesia

Welcome to the GreenStump blog.
If you were thinking this blog is about greenery, gardening or perhaps the environment...sorry you are wrong. Its green stump because black stump was taken (so now's the time for the greenies, tree huggers, rose growers to wander off in search of more fertile pastures, so to speak).
There will be the rants, raves, reflections of a 40 something Australian, who is currently working in South East Asia after mucking up his marriage some time ago and decided that maybe a new start would help...that and the fact that money may not buy you happiness it sure decides what class of misery you live in.

You can perhaps expect some funny stories, sad stories, some politics (strong views but doesn't matter because no one listens..grin). Anyway if you read this have fun or not up to you..

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