Saturday, November 25, 2006

Geez I'm Crook!

As some have you may have noticed (ok one of you..thanks T/S) I have not been posting for awhile. The stump has had to relocate for a couple of reasons. One, the house contract was up and two, the old place was subject one to many break-ins. The view overlooking the fields out the back was great but also provided a great escape route for local "Ali Barbers".

Move completed and I have the internet up and running again. Of course we still have to got through all the usual gump. First off is reporting to the local RT. The “RT” is sort qausi-goverment officer, cum village head, cum busy body (although the busy body role is usually left to his wife). Then off to report the change of address to the police, immigration etc with the usual "administration fees" to make sure things are not lost.

On top of all that, some evil bug decided to take residence in my body (I have no idea why, it could not be considered a 5 star body even from a bugs point of view). Besides inducing a general feeling of “ugh and no blogging”, the bugs caused the cancelation of a trip to the big smoke (Jakarta) where I was due for a months training.That was a real bugger, I was looking forward to arcing up the Blok M debate again). Despite numerous trips to the doctor, it has taken some time to evict the body invaders. At one stage I was even thinking of visiting th local dukun (local mystic man) but after their failure stopping the mudflow and the causing the cancellation of POTUS visit despite huge publicity, I figure I might be better off with David Blaine or a panadol

Anyway I am sorta back and somewhat jealous the treespotter has got trolls that can spell as opposed to the semi-literate and barely logical mobs that live under my bridge.


Unknown said...

not only spell, i'm offering my troll a dedicated column, word of the day. he's pretty smart. he even won a competition for hats.

oigal said...

I have always sorta liked the word
"bunkus" (take away food) but never been able to spell it so he smarter than me