Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Humanity Poll...Which of the two pictures do you think represents the basest side of humanity?

Life is made up of many choices.. and the Stump is a firm believer in those choices should remain yours alone unless they infringe on the rights of others to enjoy their lives.

I always have concerns when governments want to regulate a concept, it never works, it is subjective and is always always subject to abuse.

The Indonesian Government has decided to regulate against On-Line Porn. A noble endeavour and we look forward to the complimentary legislation outlawing the common cold, the annual floods in Jakarta and rich businessmen taking advantage of the poor.

Now far be it for the stump to sound bitter and holier than thou (I prefer the term sanctimonious bastard by the way). However, a couple of very minor issues raise their ugly, misshapen, ill conceived heads:

Who decides what is pornographic? Last the stump heard, the sexually depressed and public funded were still debating what was porn.

A second minor sticky issue is short of monitoring every piece of Internet traffic, how on earth do they think they could realistically implement the law?

The Stump found this quote in today’s Jakarta Post rather ominous:

“Police are entitled to confiscate evidence from people suspected of violating the law, including their computers” (Based on…. Bloody hell that looks like a nice computer????)

What does this mean? Is the stump and Ms Cute 2008 for the high jump? Does ol smelly gets to continue his words of hate while we lock up every computer with a bit of spam porn on it.

Speaking of spam, whomever has decided that we need longer personal tackle to please our women, please stop sending the emails. I now have enough Viagra at "once only special prices just for me" to build a land bridge from Indonesia to Australia? (Actually, its not quite enough for that, but if I plan the trip an hour ahead and think sexy thoughts it stretches that far)

Personally, the Stump finds that revolting old maggot ABB (aka Ol Smelly)
and bile that spews forth from him in a evil, bitter torrent far more pornographic than anything someone is likely to stumble across trundling the web.

Seriously... Nothing will happen, just another government spinning wheels caper..

Footnote..To those who think Ol Smelly is just a senile ol coot having no impact on Indonesia (aka those who love to ignore the elephants in the room)Just type "bashir indonesian cleric" into Google Search then do the same with VISIT INDONESIA 2008. Thanks for nothing Smelly!


toshi said...

omg, for a split second i thought u were turning this blog into a porn one, lols..

the basest side of humanity is, of course, the one (whose beard) looks like santa claus, haha

Unknown said...

i dunno what the futz is about. paper porn is banned in indonesia, it's a no brainer to ban it when it's distributed in electronic form.

oigal said...

the porn is a no brainer..its the crap they have linked to it