Thursday, March 27, 2008


We are all guilty of it, sometimes we just don't think things through enough. What seems to the author as obvious often gets distorted or mixed when looked at from another perspective..

Then there are times ..WHEN WE JUST DON'T THINK...(But its still funny)

I see your last supper and raise you a light switch...

Let's see there is the Patron Saint of Travellers, There is the Patron Saint of Hopeless Causes, A Patron Saint of Fishermen..and this would be the Patron Saint of.............Light Bulbs (What did you think I was gunna say...sheesh)


Rob Baiton said...

Certainly an interesting take on flicking the switch!

Rob Baiton said...

Gotta say Stump I was hoping that when I moved the mouse over the picture that something might happen with the switch -- disappointed! :)

If you're into sales there has to be a way you can pitch this and make a fortune in selling these things.

Something about being turned on and turned off all of the time...